history of the Flying Doctor, which is recognised as the largest and
most comprehensive aero-medical organisation in the world.
“The RFDS provides a crucial lifeline to those who live, work
and travel in rural and remote Australia,” says Peter Tulloch, the
Chairman of the programme’s management committee.
“With a long history of promoting educational, health and hu-
manitarian initiatives around the world, the Li Ka Shing Founda-
tion is committed to supporting pioneering projects that foster a
better society. We believe that this long-term initiative will bring
immense benefits to the remote communities of the Outback.”
Mr Tulloch is also the Chairman of South Australian electricity
company ETSA Utilities and two other Australian power com-
panies, Citipower and Powercor, which are all jointly majority
owned by Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited and
Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited.
The Flying Doctor has recognised the invaluable contribution
by its latest benefactor by branding a fully medically equipped Pi-
latus PC-12 aircraft with the name of the Li Ka Shing Foundation.
However, as the programme targets many small communities, its
two full-time health professionals usually criss-cross the north and
northwest regions of South Australia by vehicle.
The programme is targeting 1,000 participants in remote com-
he Healthy Living Programme is targeting 1,000 participants
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