Page 16 - Sphere No.33 (Jul 2013)

Sphere 33
The huTchison Whampoa Group is renowned for
its commitment to development, innovation and technology
in many different sectors. as a brand leader in most of the
business categories it operates in, the Group recognises the
importance of digital media technology and the ever increasing
role digital media plays in brand promotion. The approach
applied to the development of
its digital media technology
is aimed at knowing,
understanding, and serving
customers. By gaining
a deeper understanding
of customers and by
empathising with them, the
Group believes it can more
directly address customer
needs and deliver the
right products to them. By
empowering creative talents
both within and outside its
organisation, hutchison is
continuously innovating
cutting-edge digital media
solutions and harnessing
the technology to serve and
support customers globally,
thereby driving growth and
enhancing profits.
hutchison group companies’ ability to harness creative
talent from its business units and external partners has
been a key strategic driver for the application of digital
technology to its businesses worldwide. enthusiastic and
professional individuals dedicate themselves to developing the
best digital media technology, specifically aimed at serving
their customers, enhancing their experience and directly
engaging them. strategic collaboration between the Group’s
information services department and external partners has led
to the development of countless innovations in digital media
technology for numerous businesses. For example,
hong Kong provides a mobile security and protection service
called “
super safe”, developed to defend against the loss of
devices, data and privacy by providing data backup, lock and
alert triggering, and device tracking. Likewise, power assets
holdings, the Group’s electric utility company also in hong
Kong, launched a hongkong electric Low carbon app which
features low carbon recipes, information on eco-friendly home
products, energy saving tips, and with a carbon footprint
estimator function.
another innovative digital media solution produced
by another subsidiary is evident in its property arm. The
hutchison Whampoa property Group’s iT Department recently
developed a car park assistant app at one of the largest
shopping, dining and entertainment centres in Kowloon, hong
Kong. stretching over 1.4 million square feet and boasting
over 300 shops, Wonderful Worlds of Whampoa is located
in a popular commercial and residential district. The app is
powered by Gps tracking, which records parking locations to
provide convenience and instant access to motorists trying to
locate their cars. The app incorporates a Vehicle intelligent
search system which can guide customers from their current
location along the most
direct route to their vehicles.
immediate updating of the
number of parking spaces
available and information on
the latest store promotions
are some other added
features. it is this kind of
customer-centred digital
media innovation that has
secured Wonderful Worlds
of Whampoa as a premier
shopping destination.
a key member of
the hutchison group of
companies, a s Watson, is
the world’s largest health,
beauty and lifestyle retailer.
With over 11,000 retail
stores worldwide,
a s Watson serves over
By empowering creative
talents both within and outside
its organisation, Hutchison is
innovating cutting-
edge digital media solutions
and harnessing the technology
to serve and support customers
globally, thereby
driving growth
and enhancing profits