Sphere No.36 (Oct 2014) - page 5

philanthropy focus
healthcare feature
A Duty to the Future
Mr Li Ka-shing has recently
addressed graduates at Shantou
University, calling them to be
‘custodians of the future’ and with
a mindset of service to humanity.
On Target: Chi-Med Zeroes
in on Fatal and Chronic Diseases
Chi-Med is rewriting the rules
of the pharmaceutical business.
A new way of finding drugs and
fresh thinking on how to develop
them could change the way we see
pharmaceutical research.
retail focus
Customer 360:
A S Watson’s Big Customer Win
A S Watson is using cutting-edge
technology to deliver a more
personal shopping experience.
Happier customers are more loyal
customers – a win-win for clients and
A S Watson’s global retail chains.
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