For Immediate Release
Beijing, November 24, 2000----TOM.COM LIMITED ("TOM.COM" or "TOM") announced today that its Beijing portal has officially launched "TOM Voice", the first voice portal in Mainland China, representing a step forward in the application of voice with the Internet.
Using Internet as the platform, "TOM Voice" combines voice differentiation and transformation to allow users voice activated access to the Internet. This first voice portal is developed by Beijing Super Channel Network Limited, TOM's wholly-owned subsidiary in Beijing which, apart from managing TOM's Beijing portal, also dedicated to Internet-related product and application development.
Voice-activated access to the Internet is regarded as a breakthrough in the development of the Internet. TOM soft launched "TOM Voice" in mid October that allowed users to access Internet-based schedule and correspondence via voice. With the full launch, users can now obtain via voice information on the Internet ranging from personal finance, voice mail, flight schedule, hotel reservation in Beijing, meal order, transport service, worldwide news, latest movies and weather forecast.
According to Wang Lei Lei, general manager of Beijing Super Channel Network Ltd., "TOM Voice" is another breakthrough by TOM after its development in relation to WAP, broadband and short message service. Now users can have a convenient alternative access to Internet-based information. At the same time, "TOM Voice" can be a reliable and efficient voice-based information platform for businesses in China. TOM will dedicate its research resources to exploit further wireless Internet-related applications.
According to estimates, global mobile phone users will reach 530 million and 1 billion by 2001 and 2005 respectively. In Mainland China alone, phone users have reached 200 million (mobile phoneusers--around 65 million; fixed line users--around 135 million) which is more than ten times of existing Internet users. It is estimated that by 2005, the voice portal market can be worth US$12 billion and Mainland China is a market with huge potential.
"TOM Voice" is developed with the technical support from IBM Corporation and Intel-Dialogic Company Limited. IBM owns strong edge with its voice technology while Intel-Dialogic is the leading manufacturer of high quality hardware for computerised voice access.
Founded in October 1999 and an associate of Hutchison Whampoa Limited, TOM.COM LIMITED is a joint venture formed by Hutchison Whampoa Limited, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited and other strategic investors. The Company was listed on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in March 2000. Targeted at Chinese-speaking and global audiences to "Bring China to the World and the World to China", TOM.COM LIMITED is building a multi-lingual mega portal to offer the most comprehensive China-related infotainment content. Headquartered in Hong Kong, TOM.COM has established strong presence in Beijing and Shanghai.
TOM.COM can be found on the Web at WWW.TOM.COM.
Press enquiries:-
Rachel Chan, TOM.COM LIMITED; Tel: 2121 7810; Fax: 2127 7576
e-mail: rachelc@hk.tom.com