8 February 2001
Orange has enriched its "Live Radio Service" with up-to-date coverage of financial and entertainment news to echo Metro Broadcast's initiatives to revamping its finance and entertainment channels.
Exclusive news and information services from Metro Finance and Metro Showbiz
"Orange Live Radio Service" was regrouped into two channels: Metro Finance and Metro Showbiz. Under Metro Finance, two new programs were added - "Metro Finance News" and "Analysts' Notes". Under Metro Showbiz, the "Showbiz Entertainment News" was added.
"Orange Live Radio Service" gives Orange users instant access to Metro Finance via any handsets. They can enjoy a wide range of information services provided by Metro Finance, including the 24-hour live radio programs and up-to-date financial news by dialing #104 and corresponding short codes. Orange users can keep in touch with the latest financial news through "Metro Finance News", a 3-minute highlights updated hourly from 8am to midnight; and have full access to comprehensive analysis from leading financial experts through "Analysts' Notes" updated at 10am everyday, with just a mobile phone.
Orange users can also dial #997 and the corresponding short codes to listen to Metro Showbiz's live radio programs and program highlights, which include "Showbiz Entertainment News", a 3-minute entertainment news bulletin - also updated hourly from 8am to midnight, "Metro Radio Drama" and "Twilight Zone".
For Orangeworld users, they can get an instant dialing connection by entering "Radio" under "Interactive Zone" to enjoy the most up-to-date coverage on financial and entertainment news.
No registration is required
No registration is required to access to Metro Finance and Metro Showbiz. Customers can simply dial #104 and #997 for Metro Finance and Metro Showbiz respectively. From February 5 to March 4, 2001, calls are charged at normal airtime rates, and Orange users can enjoy the special promotion with service charge waived. Starting from March 5, they will be charged at HK$0.9/minute plus the normal airtime rates.